# 💥 London

Published 2023-03-10

Super Day
Super Day

# 🎤 Powershell Podcast

Wow what a blast this event was PSDayUK 2023, which was hosted in the big city of London. This also meant it was a bit different to the normal getting up at 05:50 getting on a train at like 07:20 then arriving in London, figuring out the tube as it has been a while since I last visited London, then using a trusted satnav on my phone to then walk the last 8 minutes of the journey to where the event was being held.

# 🚋 Getting to the event

So, I live right on the south coast which is nice to be by the sea and all but means getting to London via a train would take two-hours, so I was lucky enough to have relatives I could stay at which then meant the train journey was only 35 minutes instead. So, I travelled the night before and thankfully my Aunty who works in London was able to provide me excellent directions written on good old-fashioned paper. The main worry for me was getting to the event on-time, as I am not the best at getting up early, but that day was different I was feeling juiced, as I had a presentation to deliver. Like seriously for me this was a dream come true, being invited to PSDayUK, as literally I only applied to be a speaker at the last moment with a good nudge from Adam Cook. Normally my excuse is that I do not own a valid passport, and all the PowerShell events normally are over-seas. Which prevents me from travelling to them.

# 📽️ Presentation

I used Marpit to design my presentation which was done in Markdown in VSCode Marpit Markdown I then put that same Markdown presentation on GitHub here for everyone to see:-

Presentation Here

This presentation I put together was designed to inject ideas into your brain on how you can make your output of PowerShell scripts more beautiful or easier to understand to the colleagues you present the data too. Like to me that is the one main common factor in scripts, or functions, is that they normally 99% of the time produce some-sort of output. Although PowerShell is object-orientated language and is amazing, end of the day when you are showing your boss or colleague this amazing script, and all they see is text in a terminal window, it may not look that great to them. Using one of my previous modules I have pushed to the PowerShell Gallery I wanted to show how you could dramatically improve the output of this script using one of the mentioned modules. It was such an honour to present at this event and to speak to the people there. Like so many creative-minds in one-place, it was an amazing day. I just wish I had of plucked up more courage to speak to more people at the event, I was feeling a bit out of my comfort zone in the big city. I just hoped my talk inspired others and injected some new ideas on things you can do with PowerShell to make your output better.

Believe in yourself
Believe in yourself

# 📖 Cheers

Thanks for reading.